Part 17: John Titor provides details about the future
"Daru, I know you can do it. Disclose their dastardly deeds, and procure a hint about the time machine."
"We're not at the junction of whether we can use the Microwave Ophone (Temp) as a time machine, or it dies as garbage."
"I'm always serious!"
Recklessly brushing off the garbage around his computer, Daru sits up in his chair.
"The deal is done. Begin at once."
Daru's already concentrating so much that he doesn't seem to hear my last remark.
"Whelp, I'm sleeping. I leave the rest to you."
I lie down on the sofa and sink into sleep with the sound of Daru's typing streaming into my ears.
Faris posted:
Subject: Original Sin Level rising to 180%
Kyouma... when you're on center stage, you shouldn't be making such conspicuous actions, nya. Otherwise, they'll notice you. You must not forget the "summons" of the year 2000. Everything was ruined that year... No, that actually might be unexpectedly interesting nyan. Nyahuhu.
Rintarou posted:
Subject: Re: Original Sin level rising to 180%
Has the "Church" still not abandoned that? Even if they revive the Messiah who has now grown moldy, the world will not move. Piety has already decreased 17% from those days.
Daru's in exactly the same place he was before my nap, sitting in exactly the same position. The only thing that changed was his typing speed. He's working while muttering something... I guess he hasn't succeeded at hacking yet.
I look around the room, but Mayuri's not here. Maybe she's not coming today. I guess she's still holding a grudge about the food.
I take out a cold Dr Pepper from the fridge and quench my thirst. I throw myself down on the sofa again, and connect to @channel with my phone. And with nice timing, it's in the middle of Master Titor's descent.
@channel posted:
229 JOHN TITOR♦f8VuYnoyWU : 07/30/2010 17:36:29
The Everett Wheeler model is correct. Refer to that for more details.
It seems like everyone has a fixed idea about the concept of time itself. It's not like the flow of time is restricted to one-way traffic from past to future. To be more accurate, the law of cause and effect doesn't allow any contradictions. In the case that the effect portion is changed, the accompanying cause is changed so it doesn't fail.
That's the reason why there are few people who can recognize the changes in divergence. (Divergence being the ration of divergence of the world line.
230 Anonymous : 07/30/2010 17:36:47
die poser.
you claim to be a time traveler without proof? Trash.
231 Anonymous : 07/30/2010 17:37:21
stock price info plz
you know since you're a time traveler, right?
232 KuriGohan and Kamehameha : 07/30/2010 17:37:50
If you can't recognize the changes in divergence, then how can you even quantify it, huh, Titor? Oh, I know, you've got some magical device on board your time machine that measures it for you lololololol
Also, I've been asking you before how SERN went from researching particles to conquering the world, but when will you answer me, John? lol
233 Anonymous : 07/30/2010 17:38:18
Oh noes! Humanity is ruined! whathassciencedone.jpg
234 Anonymous : 07/30/2010 17:39:04
lol, newfags responding seriously to troll thread
This Titor guy's a shitty troll
235 Hououin Kyouma : 07/30/2010 17:40:23
Every last one of you has done nothing but slander Titor without even a hint of attempting serious discussion, huh. That's why every last one of you is garbage!
If you say time doesn't have to flow from past to future, then that makes time machines a very familiar device. Because that means going from future to past isn't exactly the "reversal" of space time. I can agree with some parts of what Titor said.
By the way, Titor, I'd like to ask you to explain SERN's current experiments in more detail.
236 Anonymous : 07/30/2010 17:41:31
Tell me the winning horse of this fall's Tennou Shou
I'll invest my life savings
237 Anonymous : 07/30/2010 17:41:35
Everett Wheeler model = many-worlds interpretation
Basically, that means parallel worlds.
238 Anonymous : 07/30/2010 17:42:22
What's with all the annoying namefags?
This Hououin Kyouma faggot's more annoying than Titor.
239 Anonymous : 07/30/2010 17:42:49
You call yourself John Titor and yet you're perfectly fluent in Japanese... Writing in English would at least make it seem more realistic.
In any case, you can't write in English, can you?
240 Anonymous : 07/30/2010 17:43:36
If there really is such a thing as time machines, then there's a favor I'd like to ask of you, Mr. Titor.
My mom died last year in the earthquake that hit Shibuya. If I stop my mom from leaving, then I can undo her death. So please, lend me your time machine!
241 KuriGohan and Kamehameha : 07/30/2010 17:44:40
> > 235
Guys who really believe this time traveler (lmao) who doesn't give theories or sauce are so...
311 JOHN TITOR♦f8VuYnoyWU 07/30/2010 18:09:37
It seems nobody especially felt anything when I said that time does not flow in one direction. That is evidence that people are stuck on a fixed idea. And, as far as I can see, not destroying that fixed idea could become a serious issue. Somehow or other, it seems you understand the reason why the dystopia was constructed.
Whenever a momentous incident occurs that would cause divergence to change, the past is reconstructed to prevent contradictions, in accordance with the law of cause and effect. For example, if in this world line, a certain momentous incident were to occur, causing a significant change in divergence, we would be transferred to World Line B. In this world line, this online bulletin board, @channel, unfortunately never came into existence. In this case, all of your memories up until now of reading and posting on @channel would disappear, to be overwritten by memories of you doing something else.
This is, in short, proof that by changing the present, you can change the past.
I explained SERN's situation yesterday. If you want to supplement that explanation, then you have no choice but to believe what they say. They have already succeeded at the creation of micro-black holes.
312 Hououin Kyouma : 07/30/2010 18:10:13
>> KuriGohan and Kamehameha
I only wish to quench my intellectual thirst. Rather than getting belligerent assuming it's a hoax from the start, I would prefer to make a sound decision on whether it's fact or fiction after I've heard what Titor has to say.
I, the mad scientist Hououin Kyouma, will come in contact with Titor in the near future, and procure a time machine for myself.
And then I will be the last one laughing. Suck it, sleazebags!
313 Anonymous : 07/30/2010 18:11:05
Just tell me the stock prices already or f*ckin kill urself
I don't believe you if you can't even tell me that!
314 KuriGohan and Kamehameha : 07/30/2010 18:12:07
> > 311
But that's wrong, you fucking retard. That's not reconstructing the world, you idiot, that's altering people's memories. In the first place, who the hell can alter the memories of nearly 6.7 billion people? Do you even realize how stupid that sounds?
At least I don't remember anyone having that sort of alteration capability. Anywho, how does that even fit the many-worlds interpretation? Do some more research lol.
micro black holes (lmao)
315 Anonymous : 07/30/2010 18:12:36
The world is ruined? That means I can be a road warrior and ride a mod buggy, right?!
Lemme go to the barber's and get a mohawk. Where can I buy a spiked shoulder pad?
316 Anonymous : 07/30/2010 18:12:54
I looked at SERN's homepage
They've been experimenting since 2009.
But did they srsly make black holes?
317 Anonymous : 07/30/2010 18:13:20
What the hell's gonna happen?
318 Anonymous : 07/30/2010 18:13:44
Did Mr. Titor also get a mohawk?!
Dayum, ain't that moe?!
319 Anonymous : 07/30/2010 18:14:10
Are you implying our brains make the world?
Are you saying that every conscience of every human is a branch coming off some sort of trunk?
Trying to /thread with some pretentious hippie bullshit?
That's quite enough. gb2/2036/
320 TITOR♦f8VuYnoyWU : 07/30/2010 18:15:19
> > 314
I see, so you're questioning how I've been designating numbers.
Reconstruction of the world
and alteration of people's memories
I think they're essentially the same thing, but why do you seem so intent on saying they're different?
With a few exceptions, people who can recognize the change of world lines don't exist. Reconstruction is over at the exact point the world line changes.
What's a road warrior?
While arguing on the internet, I hear the voice of an unfamiliar woman. The entryway door opens, and the woman timidly peeks inside. A familiar face.
When our eyes meet, the "I love Braun tubes" woman smiles.
Daru's tapping gets even faster. Looks like he's at the climax, so it would be a bad idea to disturb him by talking. I nod to the woman and hurry out.
Um, what was this chick's name again? I think it was something like "Aruma" or "Amore"... oh, right, it's Amane. Amane Suzuha.
"Right now, our partner, the genius, is in the middle of executing an important mission. I don't want to bother him."
"I told you before - you could also get endangered if you step into our secrets."
"H-How do you know? I don't remember telling you. Don't tell me, are you an Organization spy?!"
I immediately take the praying mantis stance and raise my guard, but Suzuha just stares blankly.
"...I-I see."
I lower my guard. She's too damn misleading.
Suzuha nods firmly. Am I just imagining that gleam in her eyes?
"Our Future Gadget Laboratory is in direct opposition of the dark organization that manipulates the world from the shadows, as we take action to destroy their ruling structure. Fuhahaha."
"...?! Yes, but..."
Shes nodding to herself with an I-know-how-it-is look for some reason. And 'contemptible'? I thought I was the only one who used difficult words like that on a day to day basis.
"Why do you know we're hacking SERN right now?!"
"Just answer my question. Why do you know our relation to SERN?!"
Window... it was certainly left open, and Daru and I were talking loudly. But can we really be heard?
I look up to the second floor. The window's still fully open, but I can't hear a thing. Seems like Daru's working silently.
A so-called mountain bike. Its frame is sparkly, its tires mostly clean. It's probably new. It looks pretty fast, but whose is it?
Suzuha opens the Braun Tube Workshop door with a wry smile.
Her casual usage of an unfamiliar word left me unable to understand its meaning. I try to find the etymology in my mind. Perlustrate... per-luster... per as in perfect... thorough lightening... to bring thoroughly to light...
So, like surveying?! Is this woman some sort of conquistador?!
Gh. We were careless. From now on, it looks like we need to close that window shut whenever we don't want anything to leak outside. But if we do that, the lab will turn into a scorching hell...
"A-Anyway, you absolutely cannot tell anyone else."
Or else black-suited westerners will raid us at full force.
The Braun Tube Workshop interior is quiet. The usual gigantic Braun tube TV's not on. Mister Brain's not here either.
"Where's Manager?"
It's probably related to the usual small woodland creature. That Manager occasionally disappears during business hours. I've asked him where he goes several times, but he'd always triumphantly answer "I went to my beloved daughter's school to meet her" or "My beloved daughter caught a cold, so I nursed her." Far from excessive care, he just dotes on her. I have no doubt that it's just annoying for his daughter.
Anyway, just how irresponsible is he to neglect work to go meet his daughter? Whenever he's been away from the shop, he'd but a sign on the door saying "Back Soon", but now Suzuha's tending the store.
Damn Manager. You gave it to us so you could charge repair fees?
Reluctantly, I take a bill out of my wallet and hand it to Suzuha. She takes out a receipt apparently written beforehand.
"Don't tell me, by myself?"
Woman, don't you know that it takes 10 times more effort to go up the stairs than down? How hard do you think it is to oppose gravity?!
Rukako posted:
Subject: I made sweets
I baked cookies today. I had everyone in my family eat some, and got their seal of approval. Next time, would it be okay if I baked and brought some over for everyone in your research lab, master? As for practice-swinging Samidare, I would be happy if you could guide me whenever you have the time. P.S. I did my best and swung Samidare 10 times.
Rintarou posted:
You sure get along with your family. How many family members do you have, anyway? Daru said that "since Rukako's a shrine girl, it's important for him to be a twin sister", though.
"Hmph. I don't remember anyone asking for your help. Actually, getting help from a girl like you would just hurt my pride."
"Hmph, you think you can trick me? You're lying, aren't you?"
"One of my abilities... 'Coloring Gentleman' reacted."
This ability allows one to see through the opponent's lies. The bodies of liars appear to glow red. The opponent dies.
When I nod, she whispers into my ear.
...This girl's Japanese sounds weird.
"There's no way there could be. For I am special!"
After muttering some ambiguities to herself, she finally nods in understanding.
Don't tell me...
"You... You're an Organization hitman, aren't you? You're called by the codename Miss Golgo, aren't you? Who hired you?!"
Her confusion is suspicious. That reminds me, when we first met yesterday, it felt like she said some awfully dangerous things...